Tuesday, November 18, 2008

We Are the Same We've Been Waiting For

I could handle Rahm Emanuel as Chief of Staff because you need a Washington insider in this position to get stuff done.

I could handle Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State because it gets Bill back in the mix and her Senate seat is sure to go democrat. (although I'd rather have Bill Richardson)

But letting Joe Lieberman, that fork-tongued, jowl-faced traitor, keep his chairmanship does not sit well with me. I thought we were talking about change in this election, but so far I see a lot of same. Replacing Lieberman would have been a good start.


The Biggest said...

My feelings of this cabinet selection is very similar to the feelings of this guys face at 0:52


(really i just wanted to post some serious skull bashing)

Kyle B said...

I have to disagree with you on this one, Ben. Although I do agree that Lieberman is a slimy piece of shit, I think Obama made the right call by bringing him in. There are a couple of reasons for this, and since I'm a lazy/bad writer, let's go bullet point style:

1) Obama didn't get the 60 senators that he needed to get a filibuster proof Senate, so he will need all the help he can get. If he would have got his 60, I would completely agree with you, but the last thing he needs to be doing is making enemies with a guy he may need on his side. The one thing we know for sure about Lieberman is that he will certainly go with Obama now that he hasn't given him the ax.

2) This step also goes to prove that Obama's reaching across the aisle rhetoric may have some merit. He is already reaching out to people you wouldn't expect him to be bringing in (Lieberman), and different opinions is always a good thing for a president to have in his ear.

3) Lastly, just because he didn't give Lieberman the boot doesn't mean that Obama has forgotten what a snake he is. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. If there is one thing that we know about Lieberman, it's that he is easily bought. You know that by Obama bringing him in, he has essentially just brought another Democrat into the fold.

So there you have it, hope that made some sort of sense, I'm writing this after just waking up in Paris getting ready to head to work and then to see Kanye tonight. Good times.