Friday, November 7, 2008

Junior Kick-Start

I feel as though I should attempt to write a profound wrap-up of this years election cycle, but I think I'm going to leave it be. We've all read the news more than usual, we all know the outcome, and we're all excited about it. That's good enough for me.

I will say this, the election of America's first African-American President is the most monumental positive event that has happened in my lifetime. I will always remember this election and the feelings that came with it; vindication, trust, hope, giddiness, pride, and (as of the last few days) arrogance. And just in case I ever forget how great if feels at this moment, I know I have plenty of friends who were right there with me that would be more than happy to remind me (and I got my copy of Wednesday's New York Times just to be sure).

The monuments of our generation are no longer 9/11 and the complacency of the Bush years. We are the generation of young voters who, for the first time ever, split 2-1 for a presidential candidate. We are the demographic that put Obama over the edge. We changed the game.

And I'm damn proud of us for it.

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