Monday, October 12, 2009

Let Sleeping Blogs Lie...

Well, well, well...I guess I'm back in the saddle. Greeting from Seattle. I've decided to get back in swing for a few reasons.

One, its fall. The only season I've found where every waking moment isn't tentatively penciled in with activity. Its in between wake and snowboard season, the music scene slows down a bit, and I give my liver a break from 3 months of boozing simply because the sun was out.

Two, I've got something to say god-damnit. I think the reason I stopped blogging in the first place was because I ran out of things to say. This happened, not uncoincidentally (actually a word? probably not), around the same time Obama was elected. Once my big, black, beautiful underdog got elected, it seemed like someone popped my whippit balloon. In fact, it might have been one of the most anti-climatic moments of my life. All of the sudden everyone in America was eating my election cake. Well fuck that. I'm the one who slaved over the cake, and I want to eat the whole fucking thing by myself while everyone else starves. The idea that you could just show up, vote, and get a piece of the cake felt so wrong. Where were you when I was drinking myself into a god-damned coma after the Pennsylvania primary? Ok, enough. I've had a while to cool off and I don't want to make politics the main focus of this blog anymore. That said, I will inevitably delve into politics once in a while, but I will try to keep it minimal because I know you cake-stealing dick barnacles don't really like politics that much anyways.

Let's limber up a bit:

Reading: Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman
Jamming to: "Sound the Alarms" by Immaculate Machine
Missing: Megan
Impression of Working Life: Still positive
Just Talked To: Steve (Jizz-Mouse) Grace
Super Happy That: Lauren and Sam are moving out here
Feel Bad For: The 90 year old woman I flat-tired three times in row about a month ago (just can't shake it)
Biggest Stress: Money
Scared Of: The Abrams Tank of a spider that was crawling on my shoulder this morning after i put my work-shirt on, which I tried to smack, only to have him scurry under my bed
Not Scared Of: Bill the Cat's dander
Terrified Of: This new marriage trend among my peers
Not Terrified Of: Flu Season...hit me with your best fucking shot, pig sniffles.

Alright, alright, I'm feeling nice and loose. Here are some important themes in my life right now.

Public Radio donor drives I love you KEXP and I would gladly donate $5.00 to you if you sent me something in the mail. Asking me 1 bajillion times a day over the radio makes me want to spend that money on anything that will kill me quickly and painlessly. You say you want me to be part of your community...well these drives make me want to be part of the other community...the one that razes your community's village at dawn, Apocalypto style.

I'm obsessed with Jerk dancing. If you don't know what that is, enlighten yourself. Not quite sure why I like it so much (enough to secretly bust a groove or two in my room before work), but if I had to say its a combination of three things.

The core demographic seems to be 15-18 year olds. They are so often the recipient of second-hand fads that have burned out in the older crowds; it's good to see them branching out on their own.

I recently bought a pair of tight jeans, which is one of the two most important aspects of jerk dancing. Now I just have to work on the actual dancing. HALF WAY THERE, BABY! in my tight jeans, in my tight jeans...

The subtle swagger of moves like The Dougie make it possible for anyone to participate. A friend attempted to make a comparison with this style of dancing. I could never, ever, in a hundred million years, hope to do that dance. It's like saying "Oh, you like looking at the stars, well you should become a fucking astronaut." Well thanks, buddy. I might just try that.

Good to be back.